Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Ulangan Harian Persiapan UKK ke 2 Bahasa Inggris kelas 8

The Mousedeer Stole The Cucumbers

Long time ago in Java island, lived a famous animal, the mousedeer. He was a famous of his cleverness. His favorite food was the cucumber. The bad thing was he did not want to grow it himself, he liked to steal them from the farmers.
The farmers disliked the mousedeer very much because he always stole the cucumbers from the farmers. So, in themorning before the farmer set out to his farm he made plan to catch the mousedeer with his wife. The farmer and his wife made a scarecrow that he put alot of glue on the scarecrow’s shirt and took it to the midle of the farm and put him there.
In the early morning, the mousedeer had already arrived in the farm. He was very surprised to see the farmer was already there. He did not know that it was only a scarecrow. So he waited behind the trees, and waited for the farmer to go away from the farm. He waited for a long time, until he grew impatient. So he decided to come closer to the farm. He was very angry for he was cheated because it was not a farmer. It was only a scarecrow. So, he kicek the scarecrow.
When the musedeer kicked the scarecrow, he could not let his feet of the scarecrow’s body. He was panic. The harder he kicked, the stiekier it got to his leg. Finally, he was strapped to the scarecrow’s body. He cried and cried for help, but no one was there to help. When the farmer heard his crying, he quickly went to his farm and caugth the mousedeer. The mousedeer asked the farmer to let him go, but the farmer refused to set him free.


21.  the title of the text above is
a.       the cleverness of mousedeer
b.      the mouseder stole the cucumber
c.       the crying of mousedeer
d.      The cleverness of a farmer
22.  Why did the farmer disliked the mousedeer? Because the mousedeer ....
a.      Bring the cucumber to the farmer
b.      Stole the cucumber from the farm of the farmer
c.       Did not help the farmer
d.      Kicked the scarecrow
23.  How did the farmer do to catch the mousedeer?
a.      Made scarecrow with full of glue in his body
b.      Guarded the farm every time
c.       Gave the cucumber to the mousedeer
d.      Brought the scarecrow to mousedeer house
24.  What did the farmer put in the scarcrow?
a.       cucumb            er                     c. glue
b.      wood                           d. bamboo
25.  why was the mousedeer angry and going to kick the scarecrow?. Because ...
a.       he was cheated                       
b.      the farmer made a scarecrow
c.       he was bored wating for a long time
d.      the farmer put glue in the scarcrow
26.  He was very surprised to see the farmer...”.
The underline word has the same meaning as..
a.       come                c. visit
b.      Save                 d. know
27.  From the narrative text we know that the mousedeer is an animal that has a ...  
a.       Good activity   c. good character
b.      cleverness        d. bad character

text for question umber 35 to 37.

You probably hear the word “smartphone” a lot. But if you wonder exactly what a smartphone is, well, you should read this. How is a smartphone make it so smart.?

Briefly, a smartphone is device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that in the past were only found on a computer such as sending and receiving e-mail and editing office document.

28.  The baest title of the text above is ……
a.       Clever phone               c. Smartphone
b.      Modern phone                         d. handphone
29.  What can we do with smartphone?
a.       sending and receiving e-mail on computer
b.      bring our future to future
c.       make a telephone call
d.      make a call to computer
30.  From the text we know that smartphone is ...
a.       A computer that lets you make smart
b.      A device that lets you make a telephone call
c.       A telephone in the past
d.      Sending and receiving email can be done in computer

31.  Last week - bali -  They - went- to
    1               2          3        4       5
a.       2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1          c. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1
b.      3 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 1          d. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
32.   My – beautiful - mother – wise – is
  1            2               3           4     5
a.       2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5          c. 1 – 3  – 2 – 5 - 4
b.      2 – 1 - 3 – 4  - 5                       d. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4
33.  Arrange thes senteces into good paragrapgh.

  1. Alexander graham bell patented telephone for the firs time on february 14, 1876
  2. Can you imagine his feeling if he knew that today we have smartphone?
  3. The telephone technology has been continuosly developing since then.

a.       1 – 2 - 3           c. 1 – 3  - 2
2 – 1 – 3          d. 3 – 1 – 2 

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